Memahami Describing A Person Text Dengan Mudah
Yo hai! Nah, kita ketemu lagi nih. Kita masih belajar tentang Descriptive Text nih. Tapi, sekarang kita akan mempelajari tentang Describing a Person atau Mendeskripsikan Seseorang. How to describe a person: Vocabulary There are so many adjectives to describe someone. Here is some of the examples Source: Word order When more than one adjectives comes before a noun, the adjectives are normally in a particular order. Adjectives which describe opinions or attitudes usually come first, before more neutral, factual ones The most usual sequence of adjectives is: Source: Sample Here's some sample of Describing a Person texts I found My Friend Tim His name is Tim. He lives in Nottingham, which is a city in the UK. He lives in a small detached house with his wife Jenny, and their two children, Lisa and James. He works at Debenhams in Nottingham, and he really enjoys his job. He is...