Belajar Memahami Descriptive Text


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Description text is:
  1. Description text contains a description of a certain object, place, or event so that the reader can feel, see, smell, and hear it.
  2. The generic structure of descriptive text is identification, section descriptions, and conclusions/ impressions
  3. The sentences used in descriptive texts are detailed sentences or sentences that aim to detail or explain an object to make it more concrete and clarify sensory impressions for readers

Nah sekarang kita lanjut ke struktur teks nya

Text Structure

My Bedroom 

The bedroom is my favorite room. The wall color is blue, which is my favorite color. It’s one snug bed that faces the window. Every morning, the sun shines through my window and wakes me up.

I put my table for study and do my prep at the corner. Beside that table, there is a massive wardrobe where I place all of my garments. My father created the wardrobe on behalf of me as my birthday present. On the left aspect of the table, there’s a shelf wherever I place all of my favorite books. On the table there’s a lamp, laptop, stationery, and notebook. Altough my room is tiny and straightforward, I notice it is terribly cozy.



My Rabbit, Tutu


I have a pet. My pet is a rabbit. My rabbit’s name is Tutu. Tutu is a small rabbit. She has beautiful light brown fur. Her fur is clean and soft. Her ears are softer than any other rabbit. Tutu also has big round black eyes. Her fingers are so small and soft.


Tutu loves eating carrots and green veggie so much. She eats well and on time. Can sleep for hours if her stomach is full. Tutu is a very smart and funny rabbit. She also loves to play with books, especially colorful and full picture books. She acts like she can read those books. I love Tutu so much.


Fried Rice


Fried rice is a typical Indonesian food. Fried rice is a very popular food. The ingredients for making fried rice are rice, cooking oil, soy sauce, and other seasonings. Everyone loves fried rice. Fried rice is very good. Initially, fried rice came from China. Fried rice has been around since 4000 BC.



Ini nih, contoh descriptive texts yang sudah kubuat

My Description Texts

School Classroom


My classroom is located at the corner of the school on the first floor facing the west. In front of my classroom there’s a staircase to the second floor. Beside of my classroom there’s bathroom for the students. My classroom is quite big with windows on the back of the room and yellow as the color of the wall. It has a wall fan and two ceiling fan which one of them only works. There’s 36 school desk with a chair for each of the students that use the classroom and one teacher’s desk for the teacher. On the top of the teacher’s desk, there’s a file rack and a decorative plant. There’s also a pencil case to store the marker and the board eraser. There’s only one whiteboard in the class. On top of the whiteboard there’s a picture of the Indonesian president and the vice president, the lyrics of the Indonesian national anthem, and Pancasila the national principle of Indonesia. On the right of the whiteboard there’s class structure and the class picket schedule. On the back corner of rhe class, there’s three broom and a duster to clean the class.

Books and Module for My Lessons


In the productive session, we don’t use books, we use a modul for the lesson. There’s only one material we got for the building drawing technique on the first semester, the material is the building statics. The modul is thin as it only contain one maretial. Even there’s only one material, it can be studied for a long time as it got so many theories on the building statics.

In the general session, we got many books as the general session get more lessons than the productive lesson. The example is english, math, history, and art. We have two english book, one is wide and thin, and the other is short and thick. The color of the cover of the wide and thin one is purple, the other is orange with some yellow color. Both of the book got some people on the cover. Thr math book is pretty thick with orange and white as the color of the cover. We also got two history books. Both of them is the same size except one is thick and the other is thin. And lastly the art book, we got two books for the first and second semester. Both of the book covers are green with some picture of wayang.

Sudah selesai deh, materi Descriptive Text kita sekarang. Oiya, materinya sudah kubuat dalam bentuk flipbook loh! Jangan lupa di cek yaa


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